Welcoming our new Group leadership members
Join us in welcoming Thea Corwin Bristøl, Ivan Ferrini and Uwe Schulze to the Company’s management team!
We are excited to welcome Thea Corwin Bri...
Elopak welcomes Manuel Arbiol and Marianne Ødegaard Ribe to the Board
We are excited to welcome Manuel Arbiol and Marianne Ødegaard Ribe to the company’s Board of directors.
Manuel has been an observer on the Board si...
We have successfully issued our first green bonds
In early May 2024 we issued our first green bonds, raising NOK 2.5 billion for projects that will deliver environmental benefits as part of our sustai...
2023 Year in review by Elopak CEO, Thomas Körmendi
2023 has been a momentous year at Elopak, extending the many successes of previous years in implementing our sustainability-driven growth strategy. We...
Our new Board Chair
In May, we had the pleasure to confirm Dag Mejdell as the new Chair of our Board of Directors. Dag has enjoyed a diverse career in industries includin...