Make a conscious choice. Choose a package with low emissions

Containing primarily renewable raw materials, the Pure-Pak® carton is the conscious low-carbon choice. This has been proven in various life-cycle assessment studies.

In a world where the climate is rapidly changing because humans keep emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, it is crucial to reconsider the way we live. Different choices of energy, transport and materials can lead to more or less harm to the environment. Action is urgently needed, as emphasized through recent climate science publications, such as that from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Particularly the use of fossil raw materials needs to be reduced. Fossil carbon has been locked under ground for millions of years and hence is not part of the natural carbon cycle. By extracting this and re-introducing it to the atmosphere, we rapidly increase the concentration of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.

Elopak’s approach means not only continuously reducing the negative externalities (footprint) from our products and production, but also increasing the positive externalities (handprint) by supporting projects with several sustainable benefits for our planet and people.

Science Based Targets

Elopak was one of the first three non-pilot companies to have its near and long-term emission reduction targets verified since the launch of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) Net-Zero Standard in October 2021.

Our Only Future

Elopak is committed to keeping the global temperature increase below 1,5 degrees through the “Our Only Future” campaign by UN Global Compact.

Our progress

Elopak has reduced our emissions by 70%. We are sourcing 100% renewable electricity since 2016 and are proud members of the RE100. We also have initiatives to reduce our waste and optimizing our production and transport. Although there is always potential to improve and reduce, some emissions are hard to abate. That’s why Elopak is compensating for our remaining emissions through beyond value chain mitigation