Sustainable Development Goals

Elopak work in accordance with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the 17 goals with a total of 169 targets, also known as the “2030 agenda”. The goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity.​

Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth

We create work for many people in our business and supply chain. Historically, we have had a strong focus on labour and ethical practices in our company. We now further increase this focus throughout our supply chain, as well as building skills and employability of our employees.

Goal 12 Responsible consumption and production

We are dependent on renewable natural resources, and the way we source fibre is a great opportunity for Elopak to contribute to sustainable forests. We have targets for sourcing certified raw materials and improving recycling in all steps of our value chain.

Goal 13 Climate action

We take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact. Elopak is fully aware of the responsibility we have in the global increase of greenhouse gas emissions. We work to reduce our emissions from our operations and supply chain. With ambitious Science Based Targets in place, we commit to further reduce our impact.

Goal 17 Partnerships for the goals

We cannot achieve the SDGs working alone, and we have been working with suppliers and customers to reduce emissions and use of raw materials. Strong international cooperation is needed now more than ever to ensure that countries have the means to recover from the pandemic, come back stronger and achieve the SDGs.

Working together on common ground

Progress on these priorities will be meaningless if done at the expense of others. Although focusing on the ones we can directly impact, we also strive for progress on some of the SDGs key to the production of our main raw materials (clean water, life on land and life below water). Through our focus, we will have positive impacts on remaining SDGs, such as zero hunger, where we enable food to be packaged and distributed safely.